A Non-Geographical Region Car Club of the
Antique Automobile Club of America
1950 -
By 1950 many of the hopes and dreams of the past two decades were finally becoming a reality. The transition to peace time was not without its challenges but by and large, advancements were realized in many areas. Medicine, education, technology, aviation and of course transportation improved by leaps and bounds.
The United Staes had emerged from WWII as a world power and its influence was felt across the globe. With the establishment of the United Nations its military was called on again in Korea during the early '50s. But all-in-all its citizens were establishing a lifestyle of middle to upper class existence.
No place was that more evident than in the cars Americans bought. Big, bright and beautiful best describes the automobiles of the 1950s. The photos of OPW members cars below prove it.
1950 The Korean War begins when North Korea invades South Korea.
1951 "I Love Lucy" premieres on television on the CBS network.
1952 Elizabeth II becomes the Queen of England after her father, George VI, dies.
1953 Jonas Salk develops the first polio vaccine.
1954 The U.S. Supreme Court rules that racial segregation is unconstitutional with the Brown v. Board of Education decision.
1954 Elvis Presley recorded and released his first single in July, a cover of Arthur Crudup’s “That’s All Right.”
1955 Rosa Parks is arrested in Alabama after she refuses to give up her bus seat to a white passenger.
1956 The Suez Crisis begins after Egypt nationalizes the Suez Canal.
1957 The USSR successfully launches Sputnik 1, the very first artificial satellite.
1958 NASA (National Aeronautics and Space Administration) is created.

1951 Pontiac 2537
Ralph & Ellen Hamilton
Belmont, OH.

1952 Pontiac Chieftain
Bill Adams
Lexington, NC.

1953 Pontiac Catalina
Dave & Betty Tollner
Amsterdam, NY.

1954 Pontiac 2537
Ralph & Ellen Hamilton
Belmont, OH.

1955 Pontiac Chieftain 870
Patrick Haney
Mount Vernon, IA.

1955 Pontiac Star Chief SW
Harold Cary
Mason City, IA.

1955 Pontiac Star Chief
Harold Cary
Mason City, IA.

1956 Pontiac Star Chief
David Zolnai
Linesville, PA.

1957 Pontiac Chieftain
Edward Conroy
Ewing, NJ.

1957 Pontiac Bonneville
Glenn Bappe
Kingsley, IA.

1957 Pontiac Ambulance
H Lee and Ruth Hadley
New Matamoros, OH.

1958 Pontiac Chieftain
Dwight W Gibbs
Tuson, AZ.

1955 Pontiac Star Chief
Harold Cary
Mason City, IA.

1955 Pontiac Star Chief
Louis Costanzo
Whiting, NJ.

1955 Pontiac Safari
Michael Dobrowolski
Broadalbin, NY.

1956 Pontiac Star Chief
Arliss Kelsey
Iowa Falls, IA.

1956 Pontiac Catalina 860
Wayne Akley
Hannawa Falls, NJ.

1957 Pontiac SW
Noel Evans
Washington Depot, CT.

1957 Pontiac Bonneville
Glen R Bappe
Kingsley, IA.

1957 Pontiac SW
H Lee & Ruth Hadley
New Matamoros, OH.