A Non-Geographical Region Car Club of the
Antique Automobile Club of America

OPW Club History
and other pertinent information

Since 2009 Oakland-Pontiac Worldwide (OPW) has been an international organization dedicated to the restoration and preservation of the Oakland-Pontiac marque (1908 - 1958). OPW is an affiliated Region of the Antique Automobile Club of America (AACA). OPW strives to serve its members with due diligence in the course of region goals. To this end, a number of activities, events and publications assist members in their personal pursuits:
> A bi-monthly newsletter and website provide a continuous source of information and communication.
> Members have free advertising benefits via the Vintage Voice newsletter.
> Special awards annually recognize member(s) contributions in the furtherance of region goals.
> Driving tours for both OPW events and AACA sponsored events are offered.
Fifteen years ago, an enthusiastic group of AACA members saw the special benefits Oakland-Pontiac owners could achieve by banning together. Through their conscientious efforts the OPW region was formed. The Oakland-Pontiac Worldwide is an International Organization serving members in several countries. As a Region of the AACA we receive a number of benefits which include:
* Insurance coverage for Region events.
* An annual AACA Convention which provides members the opportunity to meet fellow enthusiast and learn from seminars and meetings.
* The monthly publication of the AACA magazine, "Speedster", provides members an international forum and news about the vintage auto community.
* OPW members are eligible to participate in the AACA “Educational Scholarship Program” along with other benefits found on the AACA website.
* Awards and recognition of OPW members.
* Advertising in the AACA Magazine reaches members worldwide.
* Access to the AACA Library, one of the largest collections of literature about vintage cars.
* AACA website has been recently (as of May, 2023) updated and is full of useful information and includes a members forum which covers discussions on ALL things auto related.